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Quality time: Desktop or Mobile

Office/Remote/On-the-Go U2Go

Attention Span: 2004  (2.5 min) 2024 (47 seconds)

The core ideology behind U2Go is productivity but not at the cost of performance. Reducing distractions while improving attention span. 


Attention is krptonite. According to an American Psychological Association study- the average attention span was 2.5 minutes in 2004, however, in 2024 the attention span has reduced to 47 seconds or less. 

However, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy". That's why we have made U2Go personal for your team to enjoy quality team even when not at the workplace.


Why our attention spans are shrinking, American Psychological Association.  

The idea is to reclaim attention span while not compromising productivity 

Accountability is the flip side of performance. Companies are installing internet blockers so that they can have a break and recompose themselves for better output. 

We at U2Go have a better idea. To avoid any adoption curse- our U2Go mobile versions on iOS & Android ensure mental health and well-being; gamifying the idea of enlisting the links. 

The work-life balance jumps to the next level. Not only does your team feel satisfied by the quality online experience at the office, but at remote/home and on-the-go with U2Go too. 


So while they are far, you are sure- they are not away. 

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