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Productivity, Performance, Potential

Lists of links trafficked

  • Today teams are glued to their workstations. It creates a tremendous attention load, and therefore they need frequent breaks from their online activities to regain composure and refocus. There are distractions from email to mobile notifications- both work and non-work-related. In this scenario, instead of accessing the history tab in the browser from where you left- it is very useful to keep a tab of all the 'currently in use' links.  

  • It could be an internal meeting or merely a Zoom call with the client. U2Go creates quick access lists reciprocating the agenda. No more looking around for that important link that you emailed yourself- WhatsApped to a colleague or may be copied in the Note app. Just readily searchable and quick-to-use links in a list form to keep the communications focused and accomplish plans continuously. 

  • When teams are multi-tasking and collaborating on multiple projects- they overlap, and it requires a sharp attention span to go in and out of your workload. With U2Go you create a things-to-do of links- that you can share with your team to monitor, scale, and execute progress. Not only do you gamify the workflow, but you also nail each task with the ability to tick off the done from the pending. 

  • Whether it is remote or at the office; whether it is project management or sales- modern business trades in links. When you can compile a list of links- it is easier to manage the status updates. Quick access to the frequently or recently visited links and you save lots of time back and forth- almost 11 steps are reduced when you use U2Go. 

Why is it important now?

Links-to-do, pending tasks in line  

Date-wise link archive

  • The links are archived date-wise. You can track links from last week, last month, yesterday and/or today. All you have to do is choose the specific date and you'll see all the links that you had saved in the archive at that point in time. 

    The good thing is, you can scroll through the calendar, and see different link lists generated on that given day. 

  • It's not just an archive of links saved in the timeline but it is directly imported and sorted out date-wise. 

    Embedded within the archive you still have controls like- adding the URL within the archive and sharing the chosen URLs through checks via email and or dedicated messengers. 

  • Besides adding and sharing URLs from within the archive, some basic features can still save even more time without sifting through your lists. 

    • You can delete any URL after checking it through the archive list.

    • You can print the given URL.

    • You can mark it completed so you don't have to follow up in the future. It will appear as a blue ring in front of the URL.  

  • Although some of these features might be natively available in their original lists while you are in the archive- you get the added advantage of not losing your focus or composure by going through the actual lists. 

    You can jump through the various dates, and get your links-to-do status update without the need of leaving the chronological calendar. 

Dedicated corporate messenger

Add important links

  • Modern business is a trade of URLs. You click, you share, you save- when it is needed. For quick access and/or to repetitive steps. 

    That's the core idea behind U2Go- we miss these important links when they are urgently needed. If not in bookmarks, then in WhatsApp, Notepad or self-sent emails. With a simple click as seen on left- you secure your vital URL forever. 

  • For past, present or future reference- we may save the links but in order to retrieve and recall it is important to tag these links with some notes so we can remember what they are about. 

    Similarly, you can also edit these notes- whenever their purpose changes. A link may mean one thing to you and another thing- once it is shared. 

  • The idea behind U2Go app is to make the process of exchanging links secure and error-free. Of course there is this hassle factor, where you don't have to remember as you can search all the links saved on U2Go with keyword, meta description, URL, and the date on which you saved them in your U2Go. 

    Additionally, there are these share, print and delete. Although rather self-explanatory- the links on U2Go can be shared through email and its native messenger besides any other messenger. How you can you also print these saved links with the given option and delete them should the confidentiality calls for it. Or you just want to mark the task done-mission accomplished.  

  • U2Go is not just a link archive- it is also a link-to-do app. All you have to do is click on your save link and once you do that its status changes to Read. All the new links saved are automatically saved as new links unless they are clicked and visited. 

    And that's when their status is changed into Read and are not New anymore. All the links saved today are New and if you don't click them tomorrow they will show as Unread. 

Add inter-departmental link sublists

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